NESC MX since 1958 Countdown till the next update
Mailing address: NESC
P.O. Box 609
North Berwick, ME 03906
Email address: Click here to send an email to the NESC
2013 Board of directors

David Clemence President
Michael Degaetano/Jack Camelio Co Vice presidents
John Delgrosso Treasurer
Janice Majcher Secretary

  Click on any name highlighted in orange to send that person an email.
Rider Reps:

Jason Hargreaves
Jason Allan
Bryan Cournoyer
Austin Brooks
Jack Courtney
Andrew Rossi
John Silvia

Alternate Rider Reps:

John Majcher
Brittani Majcher
Ruth Pepoon

Competition Committee: Deborah Genereux
Ruth Pepoon